Friday, December 9, 2011

Experience a little bit of non commercial holiday fun

As we get deeper into December, things seem to move in warp speed and the holiday lights start to blur together as we jump from one mall and holiday celebration to the next! I say lets slow things down, get in the real spirit of the holidays, and take a step back and enjoy some of the days gone by holiday decorations in our historic homes and museums, enjoy slow meandering shopping at quaint shops and a casual meal with friends. Ah, I am feeling a little calmer just thinking about it.

Here are a few suggestions where you can, much like Charlie Brown, escape commercialism for awhile and take in some good old fashioned holiday cheer, and enjoy decorations from a bygone era.

A Victorian Burrell Christmas
Saturday, December 17th 1-4pm
Burrell Homestead
French Creek Reservation
4530 Colorado Ave., Sheffield Village
Christmas added its glitz and glamour to the holiday celebration during the Victorian times. Take a look back on how the Burrells and other Victorian families would celebrate the winter holidays. Travel back in time from French Creek Nature Center to the Burrells' home and the festivities. Enjoy period Christmas songs and help trim a tree, a new custom the Burrells are trying out. Hear about Christmas folklore and how many of today's tried and true traditions took shape during this time period. Preregister for a time slot (1pm, 1:30pm, 2pm, 2:30pm, 3pm, and 3:30pm) by calling the Metro Parks office.

Vermilion River Reservation
Carriage House
Carriage House
Vermilion River Reservation
51211 North Ridge Rd, Vermilion
Decorated and open to the public Wed through Sun, 10am – 4:30pm
Bacon House not open

Hickories Museum
Lorain County Historical Society
509 Washington Ave., Elyria
Museum tours Tues – Fri 1-4pm, Sat 1 – 3pm
The Hickories is an 1895 mansion that combines Richardsonian Romanesque and Shingle-style architecture. The interior features Tiffany-style windows, six fireplaces, carved faces and a private chapel. The mansion is the former home of wealthy industrialist, Arthur Garford. Garford was the inventor of the first padded bicycle seat. 

Moore House Museum
Black River Historical Society
309 W. Fifth St., Lorain
Museum open Mon – Fri, 10am – 4;30pm
Moore House, Lorain
The Museum will be open on Sunday, Dec. 11, 2011 from 1 to 4pm to accommodate holiday shoppers. Visit the gift shop for unique gifts including many Lorain Lighthouse items, books, DVDs on Lorain history in photos, poems, stories. Stop in to check out the special gifts available for our moderate prices. Enjoy the beautifully decorated former home of Leonard Moore, built in 1906. Moore was a former mayor of Lorain.

Amherst Sandstone Village
Amherst Sandstone Village
763 Milan Ave, Amherst
Visitors can drive through the village to see the lights and cheerfully decorated historic buildings. 

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