Thursday, August 15, 2013

Farewell to the Lorain County Funductors!

Melody (left) and Kaitlin
This summer has flown by! We got to experience so many fun local things while trying to show others how great our county is. Together Melody and I explored Lorain County this summer. We documented our travels here for you, now it is time for us to say goodbye...


I think that we definitely got the best internship! This summer has been a blast! I think by far my favorite thing was our paddle boarding experience and the blog. I went along on a location scouting session which was awesome! It was great to get to see the kids so excited about paddle boarding and I love the photographs I got from that session. The photo opportunities I've gotten for the blogs really helped me stay in practice! I was so happy to be able to incorporate it into the blogs. I've learned so much about Lorain County in the past three months. It's amazing how much my own hometown has to offer that I didn't know about. The two coolest events that I had no idea we had are the Lorain Lighthouse tours and the Wellington Hot Air Balloon Festival. I regret to say I haven't gotten a chance to experience either of these events but they're both definitely on my bucket list now! I'm sad that the summer is over already and I have to say goodbye to all of the great ladies at Visit Lorain County but I'm so grateful for this awesome opportunity.


I honestly could not have asked for a better internship. I got the opportunity to do so much! I've sat in on meetings, represented Lorain County at the Ohio State Fair, and done some really fun stuff to write all about in this blog! As excited as I am to go back to The Ohio State University, I'll really miss everyone in this office and all the fun I've had through VLC this summer. It's crazy to me that so much stuff amazing stuff was right under my nose. I hope we've inspired you to get out and see it all for yourself!

To wrap things up, Lorain County is a great place to explore. It doesn't matter if you're a local looking for some new adventure, or seeking a vacation spot. We've got plenty to offer to anyone!

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